Disney | Bingeclock / Filmclock 

How long does it take to watch all the movies in the Disney movie marathon?

by MitchellHayes
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Updated: Jul 23rd 2020 at 2:55 pm


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  Cinderella (1950)
Runtime: 75 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Runtime: 83 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Finding Nemo (2003)
Runtime: 100 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Pocahontas (1995)
Runtime: 81 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Zootopia (2016)
Runtime: 108 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Big Hero 6 (2014)
Runtime: 102 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
Runtime: 91 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Runtime: 92 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Runtime: 85 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Incredibles (2004)
Runtime: 115 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  A Bug's Life (1998)
Runtime: 96 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Robin Hood (1973)
Runtime: 83 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Mary Poppins (1964)
Runtime: 139 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Rescuers (1977)
Runtime: 77 mins.
IMDb - Also On