Home alone 2 | Bingeclock / Filmclock 

How long does it take to watch all the movies in the Home alone 2 movie marathon?

by Bojang13s
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Updated: Jul 8th 2020 at 10:35 pm


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  Home Alone (1990)
Runtime: 103 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Runtime: 120 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Runtime: 97 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Elf (2003)
Runtime: 97 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Four Christmases (2008)
Runtime: 88 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Polar Express (2004)
Runtime: 110 mins.
IMDb - Also On