test | Bingeclock / Filmclock 

How long does it take to watch all the movies in the test movie marathon?

by labratgr
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Updated: Jun 15th 2020 at 5:37 pm


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  American Ninja (1985)
Runtime: 95 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)
Runtime: 90 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  No Retreat, No Surrender (1986)
Runtime: 85 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Gleaming the Cube (1989)
Runtime: 105 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Ghostbusters (1984)
Runtime: 107 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Runtime: 93 mins.
IMDb - Also On



Runtime: mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Hudson Hawk (1991)
Runtime: 100 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Evil Dead (1981)
Runtime: 85 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Evil Dead II (1987)
Runtime: 84 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness (theatrical) (1992)
Runtime: 88 mins.
IMDb - Also On