Here's what sanecheshire is doing on Bingeclock!

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Chilling with 3 other binge-watchers
Sent 0 recommendations
238,229.99 points ??

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Recent seen list additions:

Friends (1994)How I Met Your MotherSouth ParkItChildren of the CornThe ShiningCarrieAnimated DisneyThe Shawshank Redemption

Recent watch list additions:

PokemonSometimes They Come Back... AgainPet Sematary TwoPet SemataryA Return to Salem's LotSalem's LotSometimes They Come Back

Most popular marathons:

Animated DisneySteven King (Horror)Other Disney Marathon (have seen)

Submitted memes:

Huh. Looks like sanecheshire hasn't submitted any memes!

Saved memes:

Get this! Looks like sanecheshire hasn't submitted any memes!
