The Great Movie Ride | Bingeclock / Filmclock 

How long does it take to watch all the movies in the The Great Movie Ride movie marathon?

by billymac
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Updated: Apr 17th 2019 at 1:47 am


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This is a featured marathon.



  Footlight Parade (1933)
Runtime: 104 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Runtime: 103 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Mary Poppins (1964)
Runtime: 139 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Public Enemy (1931)
Runtime: 83 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  A Fistful of Dollars (1964)
Runtime: 99 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Searchers (1956)
Runtime: 119 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Alien (1979)
Runtime: 117 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Runtime: 115 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Tarzan, the Ape Man (1959)
Runtime: 82 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Casablanca (1942)
Runtime: 108 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  Fantasia (1940)
Runtime: 126 mins.
IMDb - Also On



  The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Runtime: 101 mins.
IMDb - Also On